Brian-s new glasses ACC&(#UA#& his nose un!latteringly. To strengthen or heighten the effect of something is to accentuate it. To accentuate something is to emphasi$e or stress it. A!ter nine ays o! working on 'y ter' "a"er with no conclusion in sight, % !elt 'ore an 'ore as i! % were !acing an AB5SS. abyss (uh-B%SS), noun An endless black void an emptiness a huge hole with no bottom. Scientists 'ay un erstan &instein-s theory o! relativity, but !or 'ost lay'en it re'ains an ABS#*US& collection o! surrealistic i eas. Abstruse refers to something comple! or speciali$ed that requires special effort to grasp. abstruse (ab-S#*00C&), a +ective #omple! and difficult to comprehend. Des"ite the har shi"s o! his ABS#&M%0US way o! li!e, the 'onk ra iate the con!i ence that co'es with knowing one has chosen the correct "ath. "n a larger sense, the word can refer to any austere or unassuming lifestyle. Those who are abstemious restrict themselves to the bare necessities of life. abstemious (ab-S#&-'e-us), a +ective #onsuming food and drink in moderation. Maria, who ha ABS#A%(&D !ro' eating 'eat while in high school, was "ersua e to try a cheeseburger on her gra uation night.

abstain (ub-S#A(&), verb To refrain from to refuse to partake in to go without voluntarily. #he +u ge ABS02,&D the accuse o! any wrong oing. "n the legal sense, absolution carries with it implication that the authorities no longer hold that the individual committed the misdeed. To absolve is to relieve of any responsibility for an actual or alleged misdeed. absolve (ah-402,), verb To formally pronounce guiltless or blameless. #o Myron-s is'ay, the +u ge i not consi er his having "ai !or the a'age to the other "arty-s car su!!icient ABS02U#%0( !or the cri'e o! riving while into3icate. absolution (ab-suh-200-shun), noun The condition of having been forgiven or freed of guilt. #he ca'"aign ha ho"e !or a har -hitting, in!or'ative television co''ercial, but the a 1wi ely "erceive as negative an 'ean-s"irite 1serve only to AB*AD& voter su""ort. abrade (uh-B*AD&), verb To wear away or rub off to wear down in spirit. Miss )reen AB0M%(A#&D the notion o! chil ren working twelve-hour ays, an sought legislation !orbi ing co'"anies !ro' hiring 'inor workers. abominate (uh-B0M-ih-nate), verb To loathe or hate to view with e!treme hostility. % gave u" gol! when % reali.e % was an AB/&C# !ailure on the green. abject (AB-+ect), a +ective educed to a low state or condition also, demonstrating hopelessness. My sister &llen use to take such long showers that Da woul +okingly ask i! she- been ABDUC#&D by aliens. abduct (ub-DUC#), verb To take a person away secretly and illegally, often by use of force to kidnap. Because the hour is late, % will li'it 'ysel! to an ABB*&,%A#&D version o! 'y inten e s"eech. abbreviated (uh-B*&-vee-ate-u ), a +ective Shortened. #hough Michael i not "artici"ate in the actual ki na""ing, he le!t hi'sel! o"en to charges o! AB%() the "er"etrators by hi ing the' !ro' the "olice. An accomplice to a robbery abets the crime. To abet is to entice or help, usually in a misdeed. abet (uh-B), verb To encourage or assist a plan or activity. #he $ing, as we all know, ABD%CA#&D rather than give u" the wo'an he love. Originally, the word referred primarily to royalty. To abdicate means to step down from a high government office or other powerful position.

abdicate (AB- i-kate), verb To formally give up a position or responsibility. Danvers thought that the ABACUS, with its brightly colore bea s, woul entertain the !irst gra ers while illustrating the basic "rinci"les o! a ition an subtraction. Abacus (AB-uh-kuss), noun A device used to figure arithmetic equations by moving beads along rods.